here's the picture===>
on the 31th dec 2007, hubby n me went to Gurney~~
see~how happy is he~~^^
haha~~i love tis pic~X'mas feel~
Blue is my fave!!!
hehe~me n yang yang~he's became more handsome liao~
(but im too ugly lah)~~yoyoyo!!!love him too much!!!
ya ~~hubby in Honey Backery~i absolute love tis pic so much!!!
natural taken ^^
i found tis pic accidentally when my mum is arranging the old photo album,
seeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!im skinny!!!!
and now!!!!!!im fatty~~~~~
wuwuwu q(ToT)p
unfair unfair!!!i wanna back to tat time!!!!
too baby face!!!!but im 14 years old!!!
still baby face~~~
i miss tat time~travel in pataya~thailand...
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